
* If you need access to any of my publications, please email me.

Peer-reviewed articles

Castillo, Isabel and Rodrigo Medel. 2024. “Evangelicals and Support for the (Far-)Right in Chile’s Rural South.” International Journal of Latin America Religions.

Castillo, Isabel. 2024. “Democratization and inclusion: what women’s enfranchisement tells us about the second wave of democracy.” Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 30(2), 175-188.

Castillo, Isabel. 2024. “Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Breadth of Suffrage in Chile and Peru: Perspectives Among Suffragists.” Historia y Política 51, 221-248.

Castillo, Isabel, Danissa Contreras, and Camila Henzi. 2023. “When Do Progressive Evangelicals Mobilize? Intra-Denominational Competition in Chile’s Constitutional Process.” Politics and Religion 16(2), 301-323.

Castillo, Isabel. 2023. “Motivation Alignment, Historical Cleavages, and Women’s Suffrage in Latin America.” Perspectives on Politics 21(1), 78-93.

Winner of the 2024 Mary Parker Follett Prize for best article of the Politics and History Section of the APSA.

Barrenechea, Rodrigo and Isabel Castillo. 2019. “The Many Roads to Rome. Family Resemblance Concepts in the Social Sciences.” Quality & Quantity 53(1), 107-130.

Edited book

Castillo, Isabel, Javier González, and Aldo Madariaga (eds.). 2022. Buscando un nuevo contrato social: Nudos, experiencias comparadas y propuestas para el debate constitucional en Chile. Santiago: Catalonia.

Book chapters

Castillo, Isabel, Rodolfo Disi, and Felipe Sánchez. 2023. “Brechas de género en interés político,” in Tejiendo rutas: perspectivas para un Chile con equidad de géneroSantiago: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Castillo, Isabel and Krystoff Kissoon. 2023. “Latin America and the Caribbean,” in Malliga Och (ed.) Women and Politics: Global Lives in Focus. California: ABC-Clio.

Castillo, Isabel and Catherine Reyes-Housholder. 2022. “Constitución, género y paridad,” in Isabel Castillo, Javier González, and Aldo Madariaga (eds.) Buscando un nuevo contrato social. Santiago: Catalonia.

Other publications

Castillo, Isabel. 2023. Taylor Boas. Evangelicals and Electoral Politics in Latin America. A Kingdom of This World.” Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública 12(2): 245-249.

Castillo, Isabel and Rodrigo Barrenechea. 2016. “Political Incorporation (in Latin America). The Concept, the Variations, and the Cases.” ICSO-UDP Working paper # 26.